Monday, 29 December 2008

Radha Kant Nayak - Sonia Maino's right hand - Murderer ?

Radhakant Nayak

Let me introduce to you - a Christian guy, an ex IAS officer, said to be in running for the Cabinet Secretary during Deve Gowda's time (he was not given the post because of adverse Intelligence Bureau report against him).

Now, an Rajya Sabha MP from Orrisa (you know well, in Congress, RS nominations are given ONLY to people with connections to 10 Janapath).

Incidentally the president of World Vision, the largest and most dangerous Christian evangelist group.

Last year World Vision recieved ~ Rs. 500 crores from abroad to convert people.

And they run a sophisticated ad campaign (including Google Adwords) in India - to raise money from gullible Hindus - to convert to Christianity - with poster boys like Rajdeep Sardesai.

And Mr. Radhakant Nayak heads that.

And is also close enough to Sonia Maino to be on the Manifesto committee of AICC (All India Congress Commitee).

Now, Mr. Nayak is on run being the prime accussed in brutal murder of Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati earlier this year.

Swami ji, who was widely revered and respected amongst Hindus in tribal Orrisa for his social work, had been opposing conversion in tribal Orrisa.

In Kandhamal, the district where Swamiji worked, the Christian population went up by 66% in a decade (ever wonder why such Christian population explosions do not happen in New Delhi if there is no evangelisation and no money lure to convert?)

Various investigative agencies have pinpointed the role of Radhakant Nayak in planning the murder of Swamiji.

And here is now Sonia is trying to get him out of the soup.

Goes to show - what Congress is all about - under Sonia Maino.

Kill / hurt Hindus which ever way you can.

Still voting Congress ?? Employing Congress workers ? Having relatives who vote Congress ?
Are you waiting for a Cross around your neck ?

Following links would be useful:
The official Parliament entry
Congress Website listing him as a member of Manifesto committee
Wikipedia entry about Radhakant Nayak
Tehelaka expose on World Vision
Foreign Correspondent expose of World Vision


  1. Reading is an eye-opener. Despite many hog-wash statements like "World Vision is respectful of other faiths", it says:

    -World Vision believes witnessing from Christ is a fundamental part of their relief work
    -all British and American staff are required to sign a statement affirming their belief in Jesus Christ and background checks are often made with a candidate's pastor or priest.

    Also, manipulation has been reported "Foreign Correspondent sought answers from World Vision representatives on why the organisation's literature creates the impression that donated money goes directly to the sponsor child. The World Vision representative failed to adequately respond to the questions and instead outlined the community projects where sponsor money is spent."

  2. Dear Bharat ji, I had visited your blog several times... its nice and very informative... thanks for sharing these information to Indian people who are in deep sleep... can I share and translate some of your collection? obviously the links and originality will be maintained. thanks.
